PepsiCo Juntos Crecemos Celebrates Year Three of Jefa-Owned Campaign

31 de agosto de 2024

Evelyn Barahona (United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce), Stephanie Beatriz, Maria Gonzalez (owner, Bistró Casa Azul), and Esperanza Teasdale (PepsiCo), gather to kick off year three of the Jefa-Owned campaign

Latina small business owners are the embodiment of the modern-day American dream, ambitious and entrepreneurial. In celebration of National Latina Day, today PepsiCo Juntos Crecemos (Together We Grow) launched year three of its signature Jefa-Owned (owned by a Latina boss) campaign to recognize the economic, cultural, and community contributions of Jefa-Owned businesses – particularly restaurants, bodegas and carnicerías (meat markets). The campaign aims to provide business-building resources, enhance business visibility, and build community for Latina entrepreneurs.

In partnership with actress and philanthropist Stephanie Beatriz and the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC), both of which are champions for Hispanic empowerment and excellence, PepsiCo Juntos Crecemos kicks off a national effort to shine a spotlight on Latina entrepreneurs and encourage consumers to dine at Jefa-Owned businesses. Central to this year’s campaign is a new grant and mentorship program designed to address the unique challenges faced by women entrepreneurs.

Additionally, PepsiCo Juntos Crecemos will award $200,000 in grants to 20 women entrepreneurs in the food and beverage category to grow and scale their business. The grant application period will be open from August 20 to September 27.

Grant recipients will also gain access to the Business Health Accelerator and Boost Camp, a digital community space offering business coaching workshops on, mentorship, networking and more. Additionally, all grant recipients will receive access to the PepsiCo Juntos Crecemos Hispanic Digital & Delivery Program, a five-week series which includes personalized consultations on delivery logistics, technology, marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO) – a package valued at about $12,000 per participant.

“We launched Jefa-Owned in 2022 to shine a spotlight on Latina-owned small businesses while helping to address the unique challenges they face at every stage of their entrepreneurial journey,” said Esperanza Teasdale, Vice President & General Manager, Hispanic Business Unit, PepsiCo Beverages North America. “Three years into this effort, PepsiCo Juntos Crecemos has supported hundreds of Jefa-Owned businesses through various programs and initiatives and remains committed to helping them thrive, through financial, educational, and community building resources.”

“Jefa Hour” Movement
On August 23, PepsiCo Juntos Crecemos hosted its first-ever “Jefa Hour” initiative from 4-6 p.m. local time. This national call-to-action invited foodies and restaurant-goers across the country to discover, dine, and celebrate Hispanic cuisine at their local Latina-owned restaurants. To make it easier to discover local eats, PepsiCo Juntos Crecemos curated a list of diverse Latina-owned restaurants in key cities – New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and Miami.

Lending her voice to this year’s campaign is actress Stephanie Beatriz, a long-standing advocate for Latina equality and representation across industries. Stephanie joins PepsiCo, and the USHCC to bring awareness to unique challenges facing Latina small business owners while promoting Latina restaurants and businesses across the country during “Jefa Hour” and beyond.

“In recent years, we’ve seen an amazing wave of support for Latinas across all areas of business. That’s why I’m so honored to serve as an ambassador for the Jefa-Owned campaign and contribute to the spark for renewed Latina empowerment,” said Beatriz. “I love the idea behind the “Jefa Hour” initiative because we can make a significant impact on their businesses in just a couple hours,” she added.

During August, PepsiCo hosted a series of Jefa Empowerment Sessions in four major cities across the country for women small business owners. These intimate events featured some of the most credible voices in the areas of business development, leadership, women empowerment, and more, including executives from the USHCC, and PepsiCo. The sessions aim to create a stronger sense of community and further strengthen the economic and entrepreneurial prowess of Latina small business owners.

“Latina entrepreneurs are not just building businesses; they are driving innovation, inclusion, and vibrancy within the economic landscape,” said Antonio Escalona, Senior Vice President, Emerging Business, PepsiCo Foods North America. “We are proud to join forces with the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce to support entrepreneurs in turning their visions into reality and strengthen the jefa community at large.”

“With Latina entrepreneurs launching businesses at six times the national rate, the Jefa-Owned campaign is crucial in supporting their growth and success,” said Evelyn Barahona, USHCC Senior Vice President, Educational Fund. “We are proud to champion these efforts, which align with our commitment to ensure that jefas across the country have everything they need to thrive and continue their vital contributions to the American economy,” she added.

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