Premios PRODU attest to the great moment of content in Spanish

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 3 de noviembre de 2023

Ríchard y Roko Izarra Premios PRODU

The first day of the Premios PRODU Gala was proof that content in Spanish is experiencing a great moment and the diversity and quality of the Ibero-American audiovisual production. The Premios PRODU have become the event that gathers the best Latin American content with the participation of talent in front of and behind the camera from more than 20 countries.

At the beginning of the broadcast, Richard Izarra, president and founder of PRODU, said that the Premios PRODU bond and unite continents and noted that specialists have predicted that the amount of content in Spanish will surpass that in English.

Roko Izarra highlighted that this year, for the first time, the event is being broadcast from Mediapro North America studios and that on its second day, there will be a segment broadcast from Madrid.

“This year, we continue to break the record of topics and finalists. In this seventh edition, we exceeded expectations, and I take this opportunity to thank the more than 600 jurors and presenters who will spend 10 hours each of the two days on a titanic task: Alan Tacher, Jimena Gállego, Andrea Serna, and Ricardo Morán,” commented Roko.

Richard mentioned that in 2024, PRODU will celebrate its 35 anniversary, and it has always remained faithful to its mission of connecting, honoring, and rewarding the excellence of the Ibero-American industry.

They also called to promote the protection of the environment and adopt habits in favor of the planet.

During the first day, 52 categories were awarded, including content, artistic talent, technical talent, marketing, and CSR. The winners were thrilled and thanked PRODU for this important recognition, highlighting the relevance of the PRODU Awards for the industry.

In-person and virtual interviews took place with renowned talents such as Jorge Enrique Abella, Natalia Oreiro, Carlos Vives and his daughter Elena, Isabel Burr, Alejandro Nones, and Lincoln Palomeque, mentioning their upcoming projects and their opinion on the PRODU Awards.

In addition, the Sports Career Recognition was awarded to Enrique Macaya Márquez, who, with more than 70 years of experience, continues working in the media. El Cuerpo en Llamas of Arcadia for Netflix won the Grand Prize for Audience Phenomenon presented by Kantar Ibope Media.

The winners of the remaining categories were awarded during the second day, including recognitions to the actress Adriana Barraza for A Life of Artistic Dedication; Jorge Ramos for Career in News; Rafael Amaya for Career in Fiction; Adal Ramones for Career in Entertainment, Los Javis with Vanguardia 2023, and Lucero, as Crossmedia.

This year, and for the first time on the second day, a cocktail party took place in Madrid, bringing together celebrities, several PRODU Awards finalists, and representatives and executives from the most prestigious production companies and networks in Spain. The venue was Casa de la Panadería. The Spanish actresses Alma Gormedino and Fanny Gautier hosted the party that was broadcast live. It included a Red Carpet, interviews with guests, and surprises.

Watch the winners and finalists of the Premios PRODU gala first day

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