PRODU Awards 2019 celebrated a historic ceremony

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 29 de noviembre de 2019

Roko y Richard Produ Awards

With high production standards took place the historic ceremony of the PRODU Awards 2019, which were presented for the first time in the framework of MIP Cancun and that was broadcasted on Facebook Live.

The awards included three categories: Content, Talent and Marketing. The big winner of the night was Monzón, a jointed production of Disney and Pampa Films with four awards: Best Series, Program Opening, Director of Photography and Musical Composer. It was followed by Bolívar of Caracol TV with three trophies: Superseries, Writer and Supporting Actress.

The most emotional moment of the night was the tribute to the actress Angelica Maria. Her also famous daughter, Angelica Vale, presented her with the prize for trajectory.

In addition, Marcel Vinay and Marcel Vinay Jr. of Comarex, Patricio Wills of Televisa, Cynthia Hudson of CNN, Marcos Santana of Telemundo, Fernando Barbosa of Disney, Tomás Darcyl of Telefilms, Luis Villanueva of SOMOS, Otto Padron of Meruelo, Carlos Bardasano Sr. and Carlos Bardasano of W Studios, and Ralph Haiek of INCAA, were all honored with the Golden PRODU. Ríchard Izarra, founder of PRODU, thanked this team of executives who have been the building pillars of the industry.

About to celebrate PRODU’s 30 years, Marcos Santana de Telemundo said during the ceremony that Ríchard and Roko, now director of PRODU, have been a great bond for the industry.

Watch the ceremony LIVE
Winners list
Watch LIVE show with Aymée Nuviola
More information visit www.produawards.com

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