#PRODUprimetime with Ríchard Izarra with Marlon Quintero from CIC, one of the pioneers of the Latino series

21 de junio de 2024

Marlon Quintero: I had the opportunity to work on the first-ever fiction series for Univisión, a weekly show titled Al Filo de la Ley

Marlon Quintero, a Venezuelan living in the US, with a long career in the audiovisual entertainment industry, was present at #PRODUprimetime with Ríchard Izarra. He is the founder of the Center for Innovation and Creativity (CIC) Media, established about 12 years ago. During the interview, he reviewed his career, his successes, and the path of training and education for others, which he finds very fulfilling.

“Thank you so much for having me here at PRODU. It’s always a pleasure to speak with you. Yes, my career has been a journey of many firsts with numerous companies. As you mentioned, I had the opportunity to work on one of the first fictional series in Latin America, pioneering the genre in the region,” Quintero said.

He reflected on his career being a series of “firsts.” From witnessing the shift from long-form to short-form content to his early days at Televen in Venezuela 25 years ago, where he participated in the creation of the first-ever weekly cinematic fiction series. He then went on to achieve another industry first at SPT, where he spearheaded the success of Los Caballeros las Prefieren Brutas on a pay television channel.

“In Venezuela, we broke new ground by creating the first-ever weekly cinematic series in 2000, following a very American production format. Then, I had the opportunity to work on the first-ever fiction series for Univisión, a weekly show titled Al Filo de la Ley. Luis Fernández, the president of Plural Entertainment, the production company behind the series, served as the executive producer. After Sony, I came on board for the wonderful project, Los Caballeros las Prefieren Brutas. I was fortunate to be involved in various aspects, including discussions with Isabella, the author of the source material, negotiating the rights, and bringing the project to life. It’s truly gratifying to see remakes of that same series being produced today,” he said.

Beyond his creative work, the engineer possesses a strong passion for developing methodologies and fostering the next generation of creative professionals. He emphasizes the importance of both order and innovation, which is evident in his dedication to sharing knowledge and building the skills of future creators.

“I played a key role in bridging the gap between television and cinema. This involved extensive training for writers, producers, and directors of photography. The focus was on format: the principles of crafting a weekly series, the episodic structure, and the collaborative process of a writers’ room. I was deeply gratified to be part of this training, to introduce the concept of merging film and television sensibilities to develop innovative content. This experience ignited a passion within me to document the methodology I created for building these creative pipelines,” explained Quintero.

“With my background as an industrial engineer, a Master of Arts in television production from San Francisco, and an MBA, I’ve developed a unique perspective. This trifecta of academic disciplines – business, engineering, and creativity – has fueled the creation of my innovative methodology.”

Innovation is a central theme in this interview. The interviewee’s passion for it is evident not only in his work but also in the very name of his company, CIC Media, which stands for “Center for Innovation and Creativity,” founded 12 years ago.

“What fascinated me most was bridging the gap between innovation and creative industries. Innovation is ubiquitous in engineering and technology, and it permeates our daily lives in the creative world as well. Yet, there was a glaring absence of structured training or education on how to implement these innovative processes within the creative sector. This realization fueled the creation of CIC. We serve companies and individuals in two ways: First, through consulting services, we help them implement innovation methodologies. Second, we offer training through public workshops, university programs, seminars, and masterclasses,” said Quintero.

CIC Media offers a comprehensive five-level training program designed to equip companies with the skills and knowledge to drive innovation. The first level, foundational concepts, establishes a strong understanding of core concepts that define strategy and innovation; the second, innovation drivers, level delves into the key drivers of innovation across product, process, business, and technology; the third, building an innovative organization, focuses on the organizational structures and practices necessary to foster continuous content innovation; the fourth, identifying opportunities, equips participants with techniques for uncovering “eureka” moments and identifying untapped opportunities for innovation, the fifth, implementing the methodology, focus on putting theory into practice, guiding participants through the implementation of CIC’s innovation methodology.

“I apply what I teach – it’s the cornerstone of my approach. In my role as Creative Officer, I bring that process to the table. Here’s how it works: By understanding market trends through research, client conversations, and industry publications like PRODU, we can build a comprehensive perspective on what customers might desire. The key is to surprise and delight clients with well-defined projects that have a strong foundation, clear purpose, and solid potential,” he pointed out.

“When presenting projects in the UK, for example, there’s a strong emphasis on close collaboration with the client. They typically provide a very specific brief outlining their needs, which helps us establish a clear strategic context. Sometimes, it’s more of a brainstorming session where the client might say, ‘We just conducted a focus group and identified a need for a program of this type.’ In those cases, we develop the project collaboratively. Crucially, we identify the key innovation driver for each project – is it a compelling character, a fresh story, a groundbreaking writing style, a genre mashup? By pinpointing the unique selling point, we can craft truly successful projects,” he said.

Throughout his career, he has achieved a remarkable balance. Not only has he created exceptional content, but he has also dedicated himself to teaching and training others, both within and outside the industry. This unique experience allows him to deeply understand the distinct satisfaction that comes from nurturing creative talent and developing successful projects.

“Teaching and creating television projects offer distinct forms of gratification. With teaching, the feedback is immediate. Seeing students’ appreciation through their gratitude and questions is a truly energizing experience. Completing a course and witnessing their growth brings immense satisfaction – they approach you excitedly, eager for photos, a testament to their progress. Television projects, on the other hand, are long-term endeavors. The journey from pitching to completion can be demanding. However, securing the sale is a moment of pure elation.”

“There are two key moments in the creative process for me. The first is the initial spark, that moment when you conceive an idea and think, ‘This is fantastic!’ But the true validation comes when you share it with others and receive that same enthusiastic response. That’s when you know you’ve unearthed a real gem,” Quintero concluded.

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