RCTV International presents new project Almas en Pena at the LA Screenings

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 9 de mayo de 2019

Carlos Lamas RCTV

RCTV International takes to the LA Screenings its new project, Almas en Pena (13×60’), in co-production with José Simón Escalona, which recently began shooting. It is written by Martin Hahn and Escalona.

“This new project is a series we are sure will mark a shift in our productions. Its content and general characteristics turn it into an excellent product for all platforms,” expresses Carlos Lamas, VP and general manager of RCTV International.

The company will also offer the series #Eneamiga, a co-production with IVC Networks, as well as its usual telenovelas, classic and recent, and the books of proven global success.

RCTV International will be present in LA Screenings where Guadalupe D’Agostino, Head of Sales, will receive the clients in the suite #1418.

Lamas mentioned that in the transformation strategy to adapt to the new demands of the market, they have closed and are consolidating co-productions and strategic partnerships with important companies that allow them to share experiences and produce content of international quality for all the platforms.

“We have stopped producing traditional telenovelas, but that doesn’t mean that we are abandoning the genre that positioned us worldwide to transform us into a production company that responds to the new demands of the market: new original contents, series that entirely change traditional production formats and characteristics.

Throughout our history we have reinvented ourseles and today is no exception. We bring to the maret important strategic partnerships and innovative produccions for all the platforms,” he ended.

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