RCTV´s streaming is a tribute to Venezuelans

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 14 de julio de 2020

Marcel Granier

The more than six million Venezuelans living abroad, as well as those residing in Venezuela, will have access to RCTV´s new streaming platform that started with 5 thousand hours of programming on Sunday, July 5, expressed Marcel Granier, president of Empresas 1BC and RCTV during his participation in #PRODUprimetime with Richard Izarra.

“We decided to launch this new TV adventure, so that Venezuelans, in and out of Venezuela will be able to watch their Radio Caracas Televisión on digital media,” expressed enthusiastically Granier, adding that on that platform RCTV´s 22 thousand hours of telenovelas and 13 thousand hours of telenovelas and 13 thousand hours of RCTV´s entertainment programs.

“The idea is to expand this so that all that RCTV was and continues to be is available on that OTT platform. Even the last production we did with José Simón Escalona, that is available on Amazon, Almas en Penas will be available on our platforms,” he added.

According to Granier, this effort made by the group is a tribute to Venezuelans. “The commitment is with those people who for these 21 years have resisted and continue to refuse to accept the dictatorship despite all the atrocities, despite the insecurity, hunger, lack of health services. It is a recognition to them that we want to make explicit,” he said.

He mentioned that through the different alternative media-Twitter, FB, Instagram- RCTV has remained active and already has seven million followers.

Watch interview with Marcel Granier from Empresas 1BC and RCTV on #PRODUprimetime with Ríchard Izarra

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