Roberto Pérez from Alterna’TV: Seeking to offer a more varied portfolio

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 26 de febrero de 2015

Alterna’TV is focusing on being more active in market research and in enriching its value proposal. “It is no longer a package of three or four channels from one single country of origin, now we are looking for genres that cover different countries” told PRODU, Roberto Pérez, the company’s General Director of Marketing and Distribution for the US, Canada, and Mexico.He highlighted that the intention is to count on a more varied portfolio that will have children’s content, fashion, sports, gossip, terror, as well as maintaining the brands the market is already familiar with. “There is an audience that we are not going to neglect, but we are going to work with these content providers in order for them to improve their proposal” he explains.He stated that by belonging to Eutelsat they have access to more intelligence resources on what the market is demanding.Regarding the channel TRACE Sports, which forms part of the group’s portfolio, Pérez said that they are making clips of highlights of athlete’s lives and these segments are being placed in different platforms: OTT, VOD, and online. “These segments allow us to maintain with the client our commitment to the brand, so that users are motivated with the brand and seek more. We are happy with this alliance and expect to take them to all Latin America”.With the new Motors Sports channel something similar is being done on the Internet, VOD, and OTT. “We know there is a fragmentation in the manner in which people are consuming” he said.

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