RTVE: In December we will announce the first distribution agreements for Star TVE HD

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 6 de noviembre de 2015

At the end of December the new channel {Star TVE HD;www.produ.com/television/videos/index.html?Noti=10101} will be launched, told PRODU, María Jesús Pérez, Head of Channel Distribution of Corporación Radio Televisión Española (RTVE). At that moment they will announce the first distribution agreements with operators. “We already have on the satellite eight promotional hours of series and programming of what the channel will broadcast. The signal is in native HD, and will program high quality Spanish films and fiction with a bit of entertainment”, commented Pérez.Pérez was also very enthusiastic about how the signal was received in its presentation during the recent Hispanic TV Summit in New York. “We were delighted with the event. Our contents were very well received in the Hispanic TV Summit. The impression we gave was very positive”.The signal will be distributed through the same satellite and with the same technical means of its brother channels: TVE Internacional and 24 Horas.“We are not ruling out OTT distribution. We know it is a valid option, the same as cable and satellite. Conversations with several OTT platforms as well as distributors in Latin America are advanced (especially in Chile, Argentina, Puerto Rico). We have received positive feedback from several Central American countries and in the US we are already in conversations with a traditional operator”, she said. To end, she spoke about the Hispanic market in the US. “For us, this is a fundamental market. There are more Spanish-speakers living in the US (55 million) than in Spain (30 million). We are enthusiastic because they are possible viewers of our programs. It is a very active community, with increasingly more presence in society and we want to be with them over there with our contents”.

Diario de Hoy

lunes, 17 de marzo de 2025


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Mundos Opuestos

La productora CookingMedia prepara su cuarto reality para Canal 13 de Chile. Se trata del regreso del formato original chileno Mundos opuestos. Estrenado en 2012 con dos temporadas, Mundos opuestos es recordado como uno de los formatos originales más exitosos de América Latina. Ha tenido adaptaciones en Colombia (RCN), México (TV Azteca), Paraguay (RPC Canal 13) y EE. UU.  (SyFy).

Abraham Erick Ramírez Palomino, fundador y CEO de Summit Finance, es experto en finanzas enfocadas en la industria audiovisual

Frente a la posibilidad, este martes 18 de marzo, del lanzamiento de la convocatoria 2025 del cash rebate de Jalisco, PRODU consultó con expertos acerca de la mejor forma de aplicar. Abraham Erick Ramírez Palomino, fundador y CEO de Summit Finance, y asesor frecuente de productoras que aplican a este incentivo, recomienda, sobre todo, leer detalladamente la convocatoria y estar preparados para aprovechar la ventana de tiempo para aplicar, que puede no ser tan grande.

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