Sling TV first Internet TV provider to offer Spanish and English live and VOD content to bilingual consumers

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 1 de mayo de 2015

Sling TV launched on Friday two Latino add-on packs to the Best of Live TV core package. Each available for US$5 per month, the Deportes Extra pack connects soccer enthusiasts and sports fans with top games and programming, while the Películas & Novelas Extra pack delivers popular Spanish-language movies and telenovelas. These additions make Sling TV the first Internet TV provider with a customizable offering that incorporates live Spanish and English programming. “Bilingual millennials have asked for variety in content, language and mobility, and our offering of the most popular Latino genres makes it easy to customize a flexible, affordable solution. Over time, we expect to expand our Latino offering with more sports, shows and movies that viewers want to see in the language they prefer,” said Roger Lynch, CEO of Sling TV. Both Latino add-on packages include select Video-On-Demand (VOD) content, with more titles coming soon. Following are the channels included in each package. Deportes Extra includes Azteca, beIN SPORTS en Español, beIN SPORTS HD (English), Univision, Univision Deportes and UniMás. Películas & Novelas Extra includes Az Corazón, Cinelatino, De Película, De Película Clásico, Pasiones, Univision tlnovelas, Univision and UniMás. Viewers will be able to add the Latino packages to all Sling-supported devices. More details about future Latino offerings for Sling TV will be announced in the coming weeks.

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