SOMOS Distribution successfully distributes Mistco’s Bahar in LatAm and the US

18 de septiembre de 2024

The Turkish drama Bahar (114x45’) is produced by Mistco

SOMOS Distribution strengthens its position as a successful company in opening markets and profitably placing productions from independent entities or those looking to expand their coverage. This has been demonstrated with the successful placement of the Turkish drama Bahar (114×45’) in various Latin American territories.

Francisco Villanueva, COO of SOMOS Distribution, expressed his satisfaction with these results: “We appreciate Mistco’s trust in giving us the representation of Bahar in Latin America. This drama has the necessary elements to achieve high audience levels in a region so fond of dramas and where we have achieved expertise, strengths, and recognition in the industry. We hope to expand the distribution and bring this fascinating story to more territories where the audience can enjoy it. The relationship with Mistco fits perfectly into our strategy of identifying the best content and opportunities to bring to our clients and developing alliances in this environment so conducive to the entry of international productions.”

Through SOMOS Distribution, Bahar has been distributed in four territories in Latin America and the Hispanic Market of the USA. The drama, starring Türkü Su Demirel and Ali Yasin Özegemen, is the first co-production of the company Mistco, the exclusive distribution agent of Turkish Radio and Television (TRT).

Bahar tells the story of Bahar, who, after overhearing on the phone that her father’s fiancée (Aysun) is going to kill him, has a near-fatal accident and loses her memory. She falls in love again with Demir, whom she met casually before the accident, who saved her life in a fire, and whom her stepmother (Aysun) is also in love with. The destinies of Bahar, Demir, and Aysun are intertwined. When the couple starts to believe they have found the love of their lives, their world falls apart.

Bahar is part of SOMOS Distribution’s offering at MIP Cancun, where the SOMOS Group company will attend with its catalog of series, telenovelas, movies, and formats, among other genres.

Its catalog includes other Turkish productions such as Love for Rent, Destiny, and Ruthless City, and series like Hora Cero and Behzat Ç. Hammer & Rose. In Greek dramas, the company distributes the production Sasmos. SOMOS Distribution has leveraged its knowledge of audiences to select products and the strength of its relationships to become an effective spearhead in opening markets.

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