Talpa Media USA: Significant growth of alternative programming in U.S. Hispanic

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 4 de julio de 2013

La Voz Kids is the first format Talpa Media USA produces for the U.S. Hispanic audience.

La Voz Kids –currently airing on Telemundo- is the first format Talpa Media USA produces for the U.S. Hispanic audience.“Talpa is excited to be breaking into the U.S. Hispanic market with one of our top tier, globally successful formats – The Voice Kids. We observe that the U.S. Hispanic market is seeing significant growth, most notably in the alternative programming space and we are looking forward to being at the forefront of that continuous growth,” said to PRODU Stijn Bakkers, Chief Creative Officer and executive producer of Talpa Media USA.Talpa Media USA successfully implements global formats that are proven hits in the U.S. “We have a strong focus on high caliber production value and fresh programming with a strong narrative and we are eager to produce this quality of programming for the U.S. Hispanic market, and along the way we would like to try and raise the bar for unscripted programming in this specific market,” said Bakkers. He pointed out Talpa is happy to partner with Telemundo on La Voz Kids. The production is recorded in Miami and post-produced in Los Angeles.“Advertisers with products that support families, such as Ford, AT&T, and State Farm, are actively integrated in the show. The proven success of The Voice global format, and the fact that this specific show focused on young singers (7 to 14 years of age), has attracted advertisers expressing great interest,” added Bakkers.

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