Telemundo 51: 25 consecutive months as leaders of the 11pm schedule in Miami

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 1 de mayo de 2015

Jorge Carballo, president and general manager of Telemundo 51

For 25 consecutive months the station Telemundo 51 Miami (WSCV) exceeds in ratings in the 11pm schedule of the Adult 18-49 year old Adults and 25-54 year old Adults, regardless of the language, according to Nielsen.”The 25 consecutive month streak is the first time this happens in the cannel since people meters measure this market. We have already been number one at 11pm for more than two consecutive years. We have also been number one from 7 to 11pm in the 18-34 and 25-54 groups. People say often that Adults 18-34 are not watching TV in Spanish and we are the proof that this is not the case”, says to PRODU, Jorge Carballo, president and general manager of Telemundo 51.He highlighted that although the station had a formidable year in 2014, he believes there is still a great deal of territory to win over. He quoted that the Hispanic advertising market only receives US$320 million. “We are still at a 37% disadvantage with what is invested in the general market. We deserve more because the audience indicates it. We see a brilliant future in 2016 with the Olympics in Spanish and the commitment in politics, because they are investing what is necessary to win the Hispanic vote.Part of the great investment that NBCUniversal makes in Telemundo stations is related to the technological aspect. Carballo indicates that soon, Telemundo Miami will be capable of transmitting entirely on HD.”We are broadcasting not only from the HD studio but also live passes and in a few weeks we will be in full HD. Our packages are going to be in HD because that makes a big difference. The company’s investment was a state-of-the-art studio that has 93 monitors. This studio produces good video in high definition”, he pointed out.

Diario de Hoy

miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2025


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MIP Markets organiza dos eventos de networking en Colombia: el primero el 25 de marzo en colaboración con Meca, y tendrá lugar en Medellín, y el segundo el 26 de marzo, en colaboración con ProColombia, que ocurrirá en Bogotá.

MIP Markets organiza dos eventos de networking en Colombia: el primero el 25 de marzo en colaboración con Meca, y tendrá lugar en Medellín, y el segundo el 26 de marzo, en colaboración con ProColombia, que ocurrirá en Bogotá. Además, preparan un encuentro similar en México que tendrá lugar el 9 de abril, del cual pronto se brindarán más detalles.

Dan a conocer autoridades de Filma Jalisco

Autoridades de la Secretaría de Turismo de Jalisco presentaron el equipo operativo de FILMA Jalisco y a su director Alejandro Tavares, ante la industria audiovisual del estado, en un evento privado. Se trata de la presentación formal de Tavares, y la confirmación de que la política de incentivos de este estado, tendrá continuidad.

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Freddy, película biográfica sobre la vida del productor dominicano de TV y filántropo, Freddy Beras-Giosco, que dirige Giancarlo Beras-Goico (CEO y Film Director de TimeCode Films), es distribuida por Spanglish Movies y debuta esta semana en Puerto Rico. Ya el filme estrenó en República Dominicana en noviembre de 2023, en EE. UU. en noviembre pasado y a inicios de este año estuvo en el festival Fitur de España.

Juego de ilusiones
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