Telemundo Media and Spain´s Reset TV join forces to own, develop, produce and distribuye new music competition format and series

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 30 de enero de 2014

Jesús Torres Viera, executive vice president of Programming, Telemundo

During a press conference at the 2014 NATPE Market & Conference, Telemundo Media and Spain’s Reset TV announced plans to jointly own, develop, produce and distribute El Artista (Working Title), a new musical competition format and weekend primetime series, set to premiere in the 2014-15 season.The deal includes the co-ownership and production of a new format to be based on an original concept from Reset TV, the creators of popular entertainment formats such as Crónicas Marcianas (Martian Chronicles), Mira Quién Baila (Look Who’s Dancing) and Operación Triunfo (Star Academy), among others. The parties also agreed to produce a new 13 episode, two-hour weekend series based on the format, to be helmed by Reset TV founders Toni Cruz and Josep María Mainat. The series will follow week after week as a bevy of talented upcoming stars demonstrate on stage in a spectacular TV gala that they have what it takes to become the show’s ultimate winner.“Audiences around the world have a proven appetite for innovative music competition programs that the entire family can enjoy as appointment viewing. That growing interest combined with the creativity and experience of the team at Reset TV will allow us to develop and produce a successful format for the US and the international markets,” said Marcos Santana, president of Telemundo International.”We are very proud NBCUniversal and Telemundo decided to join forces with us in this project. We will provide our best experience so that this partnership, to which both companies will contribute their best talent, creates the next television blockbuster,” said Cruz and Mainat.Additionally, Telemundo International announced the launch of a second feed for its pay TV channel in Latin America. Beginning February 1, 2014, Telemundo International’s new feed will cover South America and the Caribbean, providing a customizable schedule consistent with the habits of the audience in the region, while the original feed will continue to serve the Mexican territory on its own timetable.Actress Sara Maldonado was on hand at the presser to help Telemundo introduce the new original series, Camelia La Texana, directed by Academy Award-nominated filmmaker Carlos Bolado.Inspired by the legendary norteño band Los Tigres del Norte’s popular corrido Contrabando y Traición, the new series is slated to debut in the network’s 10pm timeslot.

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