TelevisaUnivision: Regalo de Amor explores the roles of women and men in contemporary society

Vanessa Maldonado| 27 de septiembre de 2024

Silvia Cano produces the telenovela Regalo de Amor, which will premiere in mid-2025 on Las Estrellas at 4:30pm

Regalo de Amor is Silvia Cano’s latest production for TelevisaUnivision. The adaptation, which took her writing team a year to complete, will begin filming in late October and is slated to premiere in mid-2025 at 4:30pm. This 100-episode series aims to mirror contemporary societal issues, focusing on modern parenthood and motherhood, as well as the overarching theme of resilience.

“With the abundance of content available today, we have an unprecedented opportunity to understand our audience’s desires, identify thematic needs, and determine the types of protagonists they resonate with. This era offers a wealth of work for actors and production teams, while also allowing us to connect more directly with people through themes that reflect our society as Mexicans, as a country, and as families. One of the central themes that this story emphasizes is the evolving roles of modern men and women,” she explained.

Continuing with the themes explored in the story, Cano explained that this adaptation of a Turkish telenovela presents motherhood and fatherhood from a new perspective. “The roles of women and men will continue to evolve, and we will see diverse masculinities and women who struggle and make mistakes. Additionally, we address the important issue of resilience, a term that is widely used today.”


She emphasized that this is a result of listening attentively to the audience and providing them with what they desire. “We must be honest and respectful towards them, incorporating issues that are prevalent in our society. While we may not always be able to be overly radical, we must adapt and evolve. TelevisaUnivision has been supportive of my efforts in this regard.”

Cano highlighted that a year ago, they began writing, and today, the project is entirely complete. The same team of writers from Eternamente Amándonos, Juan Pablo Balcázar, Rossana Curiel, Cecilia Piñeiro, Mariana Achcar, and Andrés Rachel, contributed to this endeavor. Meanwhile, they are actively involved in selecting actors, locations, and directors. Silvia Tort and Rodrigo Cachero have already been confirmed as directors, and the same camera and photography directors will be involved.


Regarding technology, she stated that their goal is to compete with superior quality that complements the story. ‘We have incorporated photographers and increased the number of locations to enhance realism. By filming in a province of this country, we imbue the production with a sense of identity, making it a tangible and relatable product. This is achieved through photography, camera angles, acting style, and a continuous process of refinement.”

Cano, a pioneer in producing series for the then Blim platform, shared that her experiences from projects like Sin Huella de Ti (17 episodes) and her collaboration with Roberto Gómez Fernández on El Hotel de los Secretos were invaluable. These challenges equipped her with a wealth of knowledge that she can now apply to her new endeavors. ‘It was a different approach to storytelling, condensing narratives into a few chapters while maintaining the melodramatic elements. One of the aspects we had to navigate was managing the pace of filming, sometimes requiring numerous scenes in a day, others more quickly, and others with ample time. This is a common occurrence in the industry.”

However, she emphasized that melodrama will remain a dominant force, regardless of the platform on which it is broadcast. “The telenovela is a genre that I adore and that is deeply ingrained in our culture.”

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