TelevisaUnivision: The rating of LCDLF Mexico 2 is also determined by its off-screen revenue

Vanessa Maldonado| 4 de octubre de 2024

Arath De la Torre, Briggitte Bozzo, Gala Montes, Mario Bezares, and Karime Pindter comprised the Mar team, which advanced to the finale and claimed the top five positions in La Casa de los Famosos México 2

On Sunday, September 29th, TelevisaUnivision concluded the broadcasts of La Casa de los Famosos México 2, a reality show format and production by Endemol Shine Boomdog. Its producer, Rosa María Noguerón, revealed that over ten weeks, the show surpassed 200 million votes. However, she emphasized that this program is about more than just numbers. The rating is also measured by its off-screen impact.

“In terms of ratings, the show’s impact on its audience is more important than just the numbers. While the viewership figures are impressive, the true measure of success is the buzz it created. People are talking about the show, gathering together to watch it, and actively engaging on social media. Every week, the show was a trending topic, demonstrating its popularity. Therefore, the ratings should be evaluated by considering all these factors, including the digital conversation, the number of votes, and the overall engagement. This year, the number of votes was very close to matching the final total from the previous season, but over the ten-week run, we accumulated a total of 213 million votes.”

Regarding the format and the controversies that arose inside and outside, the producer explained that the intention is to show the coexistence between people, and beyond chaos, “they are opportunities to rebuild ourselves and redirect the course of the house:”

“We strive to create a fun environment using engaging tools, and inevitably, conflicts arise just as they do in everyday life. It’s a reality show about coexistence, where everyone demonstrates emotional intelligence in navigating challenges. We also serve as a reflection of society, allowing people to see themselves and identify with issues like depression, coexistence, and anger,” she added.

This season’s winner, Mario Bezares, expressed that this format represents a ‘rebirth’ for him and thanked the public for their unwavering support, not only in the voting but also in the countless displays of affection he has now come to appreciate.

For Gala Montes, this reality show marked a significant turning point. “It was incredibly challenging to enter this experience,” she admitted. “Once inside, I faced a barrage of self-doubt. However, it ultimately became an opportunity for personal rebirth, self-discovery, and emerging more empowered than ever before.”

Mario Bezares, Karime Pindter, Gala Montes, Arath De la Torre, and Briggitte Bozzo represented the Mar team, which advanced to the final and secured first to fifth place in the grand finale.


-This season garnered 213 million votes, a substantial 60% increase compared to the previous year’s 2023 edition.

-Viewers spent a total of 411.7 hours on ViX, a 73% increase compared to the first season.

-It garnered 19.4 million video views across social media platforms and amassed a following of 26.7 million viewers.

-The program achieved trending status during 87% of its broadcast period (62 days).

-The grand finale generated 33 national trending topics on X.

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