The 2011 Independent Show will discuss hot topics such as retransmission consent and content on all devices

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 24 de julio de 2011

The 2011 Independent Show will discuss hot topics such as retransmission consent and content on all devices

The National Cable Television Cooperative, Inc. (NCTC) and The American Cable Association (ACA) will hold a new edition of The Independent Show, this time at the San Francisco Marriot Marquis Hotel from Sunday, July 24, to Wednesday, July 27.On Monday July 25th, NCTC’s new president and CEO, Rich Fickle will lead the NCTC Annual Meeting, updating members on key financial, programming and hardware issues. The election of Board members and other business issues will also be conducted at the meeting. A discussion of key 2011 challenges, including updates on new and pending agreements will be presented.Then, ACA, president and CEO Matt Polka will lead the ACA Annual Meeting to update ACA members on ACA’s business activities, elect Board members, and present ACA Member Awards. ACA leadership and staff will provide an overview of the progress made in 2010‐2011 and what ACA is doing to prepare for 2011‐2012.The first panel of discussion on Monday is “Cable Leaders Panel Bridging the Gap, Next Generation Leaders”. This year the panel is focused on up and coming leaders—the next generation of family members poised to carry on the family business. What do these new leaders see as the challenges ahead, how can cable TV keep Millennials connected?Another important discussion on Monday is “The Key 2011 ACA Issue – Retransmission consent – Bridging the Divide” where the teams from ACA and Cinnamon Mueller will discuss the FCC’s ongoing retransmission consent rulemaking and how the cable operators can prepare for the 2011 round.

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