The Florida Media Market 2013 concludes with a resounding success

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 8 de febrero de 2013

Allen Schwalb who received the Management Lifetime Achievement Award and Maritza Guimet, FMM´s founder & CEO

The Florida Media Market 2013, held at the Shelborne Hotel in Miami Beach, concluded with great success. The market partnered up with the Sichuan TV Festival (based in China) and the LGMA (based in New York) this to allow people to cross the Bridge to the World in this conference. This year, the event had their inaugural GMW breakfast on Thursday Jan. 31.On Friday, Feb. 1st Ellen Jacoby was a panelist for a Casting & Acting Workshop. On Saturday, Feb. 2nd Ed Arenas, Ben O’dell, Gabriel Ripstein, and Allen Schwalb were on a panel on Producing, catering and financing big budget films while observing market trends and explaining breaking news in the film industry and how it affects the independent filmmaker.Also on Saturday, February 2nd the The Shift Awards Gala honored those who have made programming that has raised social awareness and made an impact globally. Winners for domestic and international programming included: A girl in Progress by Pantelion/Lionsgate, American Idol by Fremantle, La Promesa by Caracol, Dónde está Elisa by Telemundo, Capadocia by HBO, Casos de Familia by Venevisión, among others. Also, the Lifetime Achievement Awards went to Allen Schwalb: Management Lifetime Achievement Award for his work in 007, Superman IV, The Color Purple, Thelma & Louise, Rocky V, and many other films. Plus, Armando Núñez was granted the Distribution Lifetime Achievement Award and the Visionary Award went to Tom Mohler for being the first to launch 10 HD Networks (UltraPlex) at once in 2012.

Diario de Hoy

viernes, 28 de marzo de 2025


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