The Independent Show 2020 goes virtual

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 16 de julio de 2020

The Independent Show

The National Cable Television Cooperative (NCTC) and ACA Connects – America’s Communications Association (ACAC) are presenting their first “reimagined” virtual Independent Show (#TIS20) September 29 to October 1, featuring national, industry and political speakers and highlighting the stories and issues of independent broadband providers. 

The six-hour, invitation-only event over three days will bring together nearly 1,000 industry professionals from across the U.S. for thought-provoking sessions. The goal is to help independent providers better understand the changing landscape of broadband Internet, advanced video, and other technical and policy issues in a post-COVID 19 world, including in the marketplace, on Capitol Hill and at the Federal Communications Commission.

From the successes of broadband service during the pandemic to the 2020 retransmission consent renewal round, and to broadband funding, wireless and C-Band, Washington, D.C., issues and more, #TIS20 will explore the issues that are changing the way ACAC and NCTC members serve, inform, transact, and connect with their customers and communities.

Ron Brownstein, CNN political analyst, will highlight a keynote session on politics today in America and the upcoming 2020 election. A full schedule of speakers and sessions will be announced soon, including political, regulatory and industry leaders, member presentations and breakouts, and a review of the key business and policy issues facing NCTC and ACAC members.

“We’re very excited to bring our members together once again for our 15th annual Independent Show, and while this show will be different from all of the others, it will be the same in delivering the best information that will help our members meet their communities’ broadband and video needs in our new normal,” said Rich Fickle, president and CEO of NCTC.

“Our members have delivered the broadband promise during the COVID-19 pandemic, but the political and regulatory stakes are higher than ever, and that’s why we’re glad to meet at #TIS20 to cover these important issues,” said Matt Polka, president and CEO of ACAC.

Registration opens July 20th!

More info. www.theindependentshow.org

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