THEMA America: Colombia is key to propel thematic channels such as Kanal D Drama

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 11 de enero de 2023

Francheska-Leon de la Barra de THEMA America

For THEMA America Colombia is a key market to introducing thematic channels such as Kanal D Drama. “The Colombian audience is a telenovelas-lover. We noticed a great demand for romantic stories, which resonate with great success, especially with the female segment”, said Francheska León de la Barra, Director of Marketing & Communications at THEMA America.

Kanal D Drama reaches more than one and a half million households in Colombia through the HD package, channel 361 of Tigo.

“The short and medium term strategy is to continue expanding across the country, fostering business relationships with more operators, large or small. We definitely want the excellent Turkish productions to reach millions homes in Colombia and for more operators to test the potential and visibility of our top-quality content offer and our diverse library of thousands of hours of content,” she added.

Asked about the direction that Colombia will take in the future, she said that it is difficult to predict because it is still waking up from a global pandemic. “I think we are facing a fundamental transformation of the TV industry, where the dynamics of digital platforms are experiencing a paradigm shift. If we want to position our business for future growth as the consumption habits change, it is imperative that we rethink the way we do business, that means to swiftly adopt new digital tools that keep subscribers connected and interested in our entertainment offer.”

Diario de Hoy

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Este 25 y 26 de marzo MIP Markets realizó en Medellín y Colombia dos encuentros con la industria, en los que reunió a 100 personas de unas 70 empresas. Manuel De Sousa, Partnership and Business Development Director de RX France, fue organizador del evento

Este 25 y 26 de marzo MIP Markets realizó en Medellín y Bogotá, en Colombia dos encuentros con la industria. Allí reunió a más 100 personas de unas 70 empresas. Manuel De Sousa, Partnership and Business Development Director de RX France, organizador del evento, explicó que ambos casos permitieron el networking entre empresas, tanto públicas como privadas. Además se analizó a fondo la situación de la industria en Colombia.


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