Todd Komarnicki, showrunner: Amazon MGM’s Earth Abides serves as a reminder that we must live in harmony with the planet

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 23 de octubre de 2024

Amazon MGM Studios’ Earth Abides (6×60′) is a new adaptation of George R. Stewart’s science fiction novel. This series follows a devastating plague that decimates the planet, leaving humanity on the brink of extinction. It is one of the key projects that Amazon MGM Studios is showcasing at Mipcom.

Todd Komarnicki, showrunner, executive producer, and writer of Earth Abides, told PRODU that the series is a story for everyone. He explained, ‘It explores the consequences of our actions on planet Earth. And wherever there is land, sea, or sky, that’s the right audience for this program. It examines how we humans will suffer if we mistreat the Earth because it is incredibly resilient. As the title suggests, Earth Abides will continue to exist. I believe that the Earth is in such a state of crisis that this is a powerful reminder of the need to live in harmony with it, not against it. We must protect it and celebrate it, not only because it’s the right thing to do, but also because our survival depends on it.”


Komarnicki said that Earth Abides is designed to be a limited series, “but Hollywood loves success stories. So, who knows?”

He said that the biggest challenge of the production was finding an elegant way to depict the passage of time, as the story spans a long period. This required showing the characters aging and adapting to the changing circumstances. “However,” he explains, “what initially seemed complicated turned out to be a benefit, as these time jumps allowed us to tell the story in a more intimate and focused way.”


The main cast of Earth Abides includes Alexander Ludwig (from Vikings and Lone Survivor), Jessica Frances Dukes (from Ozark), Aaron Tveit (from Schmigadoon! and The Good Fight), Rodrigo Fernández-Stoll (from Ghosts and Priscilla), Elyse Levesque (from Orphan Black), Luisa D’Oliveira (from The 100), Birkett Turton (from iZombie), Hilary McCormack (from Killjoys), and Jenna Berman (from Chilling Adventures of Sabrina).

Komarnicki said, “The cast is incredible. We also have a character named George, who is from Venezuela and focuses on Latin America. We wanted to explore a wide range of stories and cultures and demonstrate that many of the divisions within our culture are completely misguided. We want to show that we are united, and we just need to remember that we can be unified, sharing an open hand that can give or receive, rather than a fist that can bring nothing good to the world.”


Komarnicki mentioned that 80% of the series was filmed on location in and around Vancouver. “It’s incredibly beautiful,” he said. “The story is set in Northern California, in Berkeley, in the San Francisco area. But Vancouver is very similar, so we shot it there. It highlights the show’s stunning visuals. Our Director of Photography, Vince Arvidson, did an exceptional job, and we didn’t aim to make six TV episodes but rather a six-hour film. Even though we had three different directors, the story is visually cohesive, and the world you’re immersed in never leaves you. So for the audience, it’s highly immersive. When you watch it, you feel like you’re living with these characters.”


Komarnicki believes that Latin American storytelling is ‘extraordinary’ and comments that it has had a profound impact on him. “There are many brilliant novels that come from Colombia and other Latin American countries,” he said. “What I love about the Latin American literature I’ve read is that it’s never afraid to tell the truth while also being incredibly visual and imaginative.”

Komarnicki indicated that Earth Abides is a story about how imagination is essential for survival. “It’s not just about the practical,” he said. “We have storytelling, music, and other things that bring people together, like the first humans who gathered around a fire to hear stories. I believe that Earth Abides is an invitation not only to Latin America but to the entire world to gather around the fire and listen to an incredible tale of survival.”

Komarnicki believes the fundamental questions are ‘What makes us human? What sets us apart? And how can we take the best of ourselves and share it with the best of the Earth?’ “Ultimately, I think, we’ve been fighting against the Earth, building upon it, using our oceans as garbage dumps, and polluting our skies. We’ve acted as if it doesn’t matter, as if the entire planet is disposable. However, we’re discovering that we’re the disposable ones instead. If we don’t figure out how to fix this soon, this could be one of our last TV shows.”

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