Tubi: We deliver the greatest value to advertisers through incremental audiences

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 13 de agosto de 2024

Anna Carugati of World Screen with David Salmon, EVP and general manager of International at Tubi

David Salmon, EVP and general manager of International at Tubi, states that the service stands out due to its extensive and culturally diverse content library. “This broad offering enables users to continually discover fresh and engaging titles that strongly resonate with the Tubi brand identity.”

Salmon, a participant in the second day of FAST Fest, attributed Tubi’s leading position as a US AVOD service to its commitment to eliminating viewing barriers. “We aim to be accessible everywhere, available on all platforms, and to provide options that foster engagement and excitement around content discovery,” he stated.

Salmon also emphasized the importance of consumer feedback, explaining that they strive to expand on their most successful areas.

Tubi currently operates in the US, Canada, and Mexico, with its recent launch in the United Kingdom. The company’s primary focus in the upcoming months is solidifying its position in the UK while continuing to expand its presence in existing markets. There are no immediate plans for entering new territories.


Salmon emphasized that a key lesson from international expansion is the importance of tailoring their approach to each market. Rather than treating all markets uniformly, Tubi focuses on understanding the unique interests and preferences of each audience. “Our primary focus is on listening to our consumers,” he stated.

Salmon noted that Tubi has made significant investments in personalization and content discovery. “Our dedicated team utilizes machine learning to minimize user search times. As our content library expands, we enhance content discoverability, and the more data we collect, the more refined our personalization becomes,” he explained.


Salmon noted that Tubi has increased its value to advertisers by offering access to additional audiences. He explained that Tubi enables advertisers to reach demographics that are unattainable through linear or traditional television, or even bundled VOD services.

“These platforms excel at delivering large, targeted audiences simultaneously. In the U.S., for instance, 65% of Tubi’s viewership consists of cord-cutters or those who have never subscribed to cable. If you’re a brand seeking to engage this demographic, Tubi is the ideal platform. Our audience is generally more diverse and younger, making it a prime target for FAST and AVOD advertising, especially through Tubi,” he concluded.

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