Unicorn Content: We produce more hours of television programming in Spain than any other company

14 de agosto de 2024

Víctor García, Unicorn Content: El Marqués outlines the direction the production company will take in the coming years

The Spanish production company Unicorn Content, founded in Madrid in 2017, has positioned itself as Spain’s leading television content producer. Its general manager and Chief Creative Officer, Víctor García, commented on #PRODUprimetime with Ríchard Izarra that they produce 70 hours of live broadcasts weekly.

García, who began his career as a cameraman and editor at a local channel in Castilla y León, has been in the industry for nearly 20 years. His career includes roles at Mediaset, Canal+, and Cuarzo. He describes himself as a dedicated television professional with a true passion for the medium.


Unicorn has experienced rapid growth. Initially, the production company only covered the morning slot, but it subsequently expanded to include the afternoon. “Now we’ve also added live programming on weekends,” he said. “It’s a challenging task, but we have a strong management team effectively distributing the workload.”


As CEO and founder of Unicorn Content, Xelo Montesinos hired García as Creative and International Director while she was at Cuarzo Producciones (Banijay). “When she joined Unicorn, I came with her to develop her personal project, which later involved Mediaset and Ana Rosa Quintana (a journalist and television presenter with 42 years of experience).”


Unicorn Content is a predominantly female-led company, explained García. He noted that they’ve been seeing a surge in female talent lately. “It’s a reality, not only on screen but behind the scenes: in direction, production, and scriptwriting, there are often more women involved.”


“The key is having a strong expertise in creating magazine formats and working with existing content. That’s really at the core of who we are,” he said.

From there, he explained, they would expand into other promising areas like fiction, which they began exploring a couple of years ago with Desaparecidos and this year with El Marqués. “This has been Mediaset’s biggest fiction success of the year, and it’s remarkable that it originated from our core strength in hard-hitting current affairs. Inspired by a real case, it demonstrates the potential for cross-pollination between our content areas.”

From these stories emerge daily programs, documentaries, and fiction. “That unique DNA of ours enables us to grow in various directions.”


They are developing various projects with platforms, some of which have already been commissioned. “We are currently writing projects that follow the same pattern: stories based on or inspired by real cases.” Additionally, they are working on historical fictions that resonate on a personal and societal level. “But most importantly, these projects must possess a strong emotional core, with compelling characters and heartfelt emotions.”

He considers El Marqués one of Unicorn’s flagship projects because “it outlines the direction the production company will take in the coming years.”


For the regional market, they have the project El Payaso Matemático (The Math Clown), a story based on the real life of Luis Raluy. “He was a clown who concealed his true identity for his entire life, yearning to demonstrate his mathematical talent to the world. In fact, he was the individual who came closest to solving the prime number puzzle.”

He pointed out that the story has significant international potential because Raluy performed in Argentina, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, and ultimately Spain. “It’s a captivating tale of an international traveling circus, a project we’re currently developing and pitching globally.” They have just completed a preliminary development phase and are actively seeking partners.

They are currently developing other projects and presenting them to potential co-producers and clients in Latin America to explore co-production opportunities.

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