Univisión: Protagonistas 2011 will produce 60 hours for primetime

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 6 de septiembre de 2011

During an informal meeting with the Miami media, Luis Fernández, President of Entertainment of Univisión and Univision Studios, and Ronald Day, Senior VP of Programming and Promotions of Univisión, talked about the upcoming new programming for the remainder of the year.”We have a hot fall,” said Fernandez referring to the new season that begins this month featuring the second edition of ¡Mira Quién Baila!, now with greater social media presence; and Protagonistas 2011, which will be a fully renewed version of the Imagina US format offering 60 hours of primetime.Fernández said that the two Univisión studios currently in construction at its headquarters in Doral will be completely operational by January of 2012.The new studios measure 15-thousand and 9-thousand square feet respectively, much larger than the four studios currently operating at Univisión headquarters.Regarding the new signals the company plans to launch, Fernández said that the telenovela channel is already working internally, and he expects it will start running on major pay-TV systems by the last quarter of this year. Both the news and sports channels are expected to launch in 2012.Fernández showed the most recent Nielsen rankings and pointed out that out of the first 49 weeks of the current TV season (there are three weeks left), Univisión has been the network of highest growth (6%) out of the top five.

Diario de Hoy

lunes, 17 de marzo de 2025


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Mundos Opuestos

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Abraham Erick Ramírez Palomino, fundador y CEO de Summit Finance, es experto en finanzas enfocadas en la industria audiovisual

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Buenos Aires
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