Utilísima premieres reality Califorma with personal trainer Fernando Sartorius

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 2 de abril de 2013

Califorma journeys into the mental and physical transformation of eight women from all walks of life, guided by personal trainer to the stars, Fernando Sartorius

In April, Utilísima premieres Califorma, a new reality show that journeys into the mental and physical transformation of eight women from all walks of life. On Wednesday, April 3, Califorma, Utilísima’s latest reality show, will focus on obesity, a problem that affects Latinas in the United States. From mariachi singers to battered women, these eight Latinas with weight and self-esteem challenges will be guided by personal trainer to the stars, Fernando Sartorius, who will push their physical abilities to the limit to fight weight and emotional barriers. During ten episodes of sixty minutes each, Sartorius and his two assistants will teach participants fun and interactive activities in an ‘Open Gym’ using the beaches of Santa Monica, California, as the backdrop. For twenty-one days, the participants will get trained and guided for maximum weight loss. The contestants will also share with the audience their internal struggles and courage to achieve a positive change in their living habits. The series will air every Wednesday, starting on April 3, at 11pm.April also takes viewers through the streets of Lima, Perú, with the second season of Perú Fusión. On Monday, April 1, Peruvian chefs, Flavio Solórzano and Rodrigo Conroy, will begin their journey through Lima to explore Peru’s modern and traditional culinary world. The new season will air from Monday through Friday, at 5pm, for twenty-six episodes of thirty minutes. To commemorate World Health Day, on Sunday, April 7 at 4pm, Utilísima will air Vida Sana, a special that encourages viewers to lead a healthier life style.

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