TelevisaUnivision: Juegos de Amor y Poder is a series that blends police thriller with melodrama

Vanessa Maldonado| 16 de octubre de 2024

Carlos Bardasano: We've observed that audiences are receptive to plots that offer a thrilling element in addition to the traditional love story

TelevisaUnivision is preparing its upcoming telenovela, Juegos de Amor y Poder, under the production of Carlos Bardasano. Bardasano spoke with PRODU about this project, which will blend classic melodrama with police thriller. The series is set to premiere in the first quarter of 2025 at 9:30 PM on Las Estrellas, featuring stellar performances from Claudia Martín, Arap Bethke, Mayrín Villanueva, and Eduardo Santamarina.

Bardasano emphasized the collaboration with writer Ximena Suárez, whom he credits with much of the narrative’s success. “The idea for this story originated with Ximena,” he explained. “We spent a considerable amount of time analyzing which types of stories were resonating with audiences. She has skillfully woven together a police plot with a love story, which is the defining characteristic of this production.”

The story will revolve around the investigation of a tragic accident involving the deaths of several young people who were struck by a vehicle. As the authorities attempt to cover up the crime, a series of increasingly sinister events unfolds. “The consequences of trying to conceal the crime prove to be even more devastating than the original act itself,” Bardasano added. “Extortion and other repercussions escalate the situation dramatically.”

Regarding the evolving nature of productions and the changing viewing habits of audiences, Bardasano noted a resurgence in interest in 9:30PM shows. “We’ve observed that audiences are receptive to plots that offer a thrilling element in addition to the traditional love story,” he explained. “Streaming platforms have excelled at incorporating this blend of drama and suspense, making it a hallmark of their content. We’ve learned from their success, often employing a captivating opening episode followed by an ongoing investigation throughout subsequent chapters,” he added, referencing the popularity of series that combine these elements within the streaming landscape.

Bardasano further explained that the audience’s familiarity with this type of content, combined with the company’s expertise in crafting compelling love stories, is the foundation for a production like Juegos de Amor y Poder.

Regarding the cast, Bardasano mentioned that “to bring the script to life, we required a cast capable of delivering exceptional performances. Claudia Martín has solidified her position as one of the leading figures in telenovelas, and alongside Arap Bethke, Mayrín Villanueva, and Eduardo Santamarina, they collectively possess the talent to achieve this goal.”

The production will be filmed entirely on location and is expected to last between 15 and 18 weeks. “This is an ambitious project with a cinematic aesthetic that is highly appreciated by audiences and no longer intimidates them,” Bardasano said, referring to the production’s dynamic approach, which includes scenes requiring action and realism.

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