Warner Bros. Discovery: The collaboration with OMG and its customers VW and State Farm in Juntos en Acción delivers a richer and closer brand experience

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 17 de mayo de 2024

David Tardio, VP of Integrated Advertising Sales and Warner Bros. Discovery US Hispanic Marketing

The collaboration between Warner Bros. Discovery, its new original reality show Juntos en Acción, hosted by Carlos Ponce and Karina Banda, the agency Omnicom Media Group (OMG) and some of its clients such as State Farm and Volkswagen, is “the result of a combination of analysis, content creation and connection with the audience that transcends traditional advertising methods, delivering a much richer and closer brand experience,” explained David Tardio, VP of Integrated Advertising Sales and Warner Bros. Discovery US Hispanic Marketing.

Early collaboration with OMG was key, Tardio explained. “We gained a deep understanding of client needs and expectations. This allowed us to leverage Warner Bros. Discovery’s resources to craft highly effective messaging. It’s a strategic win-win: State Farm and Volkswagen partner with culturally relevant content, and Hispanic audiences connect with these brands in a meaningful way.”

The spark for this collaboration came from conversations with Mike Roca, Executive Director of ELEVATE at Omnicom Media, Tardio revealed. “We focused on how to break away from traditional advertising and truly innovate in connecting with Hispanic audiences.”

He said that the idea of doing the series, plus the attractiveness of Carlos Ponce and Karina Banda, seemed like an ideal opportunity. “So we got to work, trying to take advantage of Warner Bros. Discovery resources to make a difference in the Hispanic market. The joint effort with Omnicom Media Group clients lasted over six months and produced a collaboration that showcases a dynamic and novel approach to engaging with audiences.”

Tardio noted that State Farm and Volkswagen were the first brands to participate in the project.

Recognizing a unique chance to develop culturally resonant content, both brands joined the project early on. “As production advanced, interest spread to other Omnicom Media Group clients. We’re currently in discussions exploring post-production integration opportunities for them,” Tardio explained.

Volkswagen assumed the role of exclusive car sponsor. “We focused on integrating its 2024 VW ID 4 model, which fits perfectly with the plot of each episode. That decision not only allowed us to show the car while Carlos Ponce and Karina Banda traveled from city to city, but we also made sure to highlight the values of the Volkswagen brand in a way that connects with the audience,” he said.

State Farm became the exclusive sponsor of the insurance line. “Our collaboration with State Farm focused on creating original content integrated into the plot of the series,” he added.

The content, co-created with Volkswagen and State Farm, will span linear and digital platforms, including social media, for maximum reach. To further amplify their brand presence, Volkswagen and State Farm have also secured sponsorships for a podcast series about the show, hosted by Carlos Ponce.

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