Wild Sheep Content: IP package plus renowned talent is key to success and selling

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 1 de octubre de 2021

Erik Barmack Wild Sheep Content

Erik Barmack, CEO of Wild Sheep Content and who during his time at Netflix supervised some 100 original series from around the world -such as The Witcher and Lupin-, commented that the projects are easier to sell and distribute are those with IP package that includes renown talent (be they directors, showrunners, cast). “I have always liked to offer the platforms projects where we have already done the heaviest part,” said Barmack during his participation in the IPS conference, the battle of stories in the framework of Iberseries Platino Industria.

He indicated that of the 20 projects they have developed in the last two years, a third is based on video games and books. Of these, they have already sold between 16 to 17 projects, 80% based on some form of IP. He mentioned two of the projects as examples: Yacuza series, based on Sega’s second most popular video game, which is under development, and the production of a pilot for Amazon, based on a novel by writer Harlan Coben, who has great traction in the US and Europe.

Francisco Cordero, CEO of BTF Media, who also participated in the talk, agreed with Barmack: “Not only do you need the IP, but also to package it with great writers, showrunners, directors, and talents. In Latin America, it is becoming more sophisticated,” he highlighted and added that in recent years they have been acquiring different IPs to produce biopics and films. “We adapted the IPs for Mexico and the US. We have already finished four films. We are going to adapt a famous TV series to the cinema. We have prepared Maradona: Sueño Bendito for five years. It has been part of the strategy to secure different rights, books, documentaries in order to develop the property,” he said.

Of the projects which Barmack is working on is a series that began production in Chile called Cromosoma, of an original idea; they also have others in Mexico and Argentina. He pointed out that all the projects are geared towards global audiences.

Cordero added that they bought the rights to the film The Others by Alejandro Amenábar and Nueve Reinas by Argentine Fabián Bielinsky, for their adaptation as series for various territories.

For Barmack there is a great opportunity in the romance category. “We are looking for romantic comedy adaptations led by a strong female character,” he said.

Another project that Barmack highlighted was the thriller film with Kate del Castillo (Cold Dead Hands or The Hunting of Ava Bravo), filmed in Utah in the midst of the pandemic and already with distribution in the US and almost in Europe after closing a deal with Mediapro. “We were not making a movie just for one market, but for Kate’s audience. We are going to continue making films where we see economic opportunities and place them in front of global audiences,” he said.

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