Wild Sheep: Content produced in Spanish will soon exceed content in English

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 4 de octubre de 2023

En Vivo Erik Barmack Wild Sheep Iberseries.

Content produced in Spanish is gaining international recognition as the production quality and creativity of its stories increase. “Content produced in Spanish will soon exceed content in English,” said Erik Barmack, founder of Wild Sheep, during a conference within the framework of Iberseries & Platino Industria.

“It’s just a matter of time. There are 600 million people who speak Spanish and the content is as exportable as in English. We are still underestimating content in Spanish in some aspects, but all that is needed are global platforms and easier ways to take those stories to different parts of the world,” said Barmack in an interview with Ríchard Izarra, editor-in-chief of PRODU.

Barmack, credited with opening Netflix’s international area when he was part of the platform’s staff, noted the advantage of having cultural-specific storytelling. As captions, dubbing, and lip-syncing continue to improve, what will only matter is where the best stories come from.

He added that the US, with 4% of the world’s population, has been controlling 90% of the media, but now, with the limitations of Hollywood, it will not last. “As a community, we must have a vision of what this change will look like; Spanish content will eventually exceed English content.”

In the conference room, many of the attendees were young Spanish speakers. “I love that the market is changing and this feeling of new voices being represented. There is hope. What gets me out of bed is the possibility of telling stories differently. And it is primarily through the voices of young people who have not had the opportunity to tell their stories before.”

Barmack also referred to the Wild Sheep new office in CDMX run by Jimena Rodríguez, whom he described as “one of the most talented producers in the region.”

The company will soon launch its first product made in Latin America, Invitación a un Asesinato, a beautiful, powerful, and funny film directed by the Mexican José Manuel Cravikotto and a cast of recognized talents such as Regina Blandon, Stephanie Cayo, Manolo Cardona, Maribel Verdú and others.

Finally, Barmack advised Latin American producers: “Think big. Don’t let market restrictions limit your ambition because it is something that will change.”

Watch the interview EN VIVO

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